1. Report -

    “Over the last quarter HWWL has ensured representation on an increasing
    number of committees and groups. The Chair and Chief Officer have a
    place on the ICS and ICB forums where we can ensure engagement
    and inclusion of public opinion is embedded into service design.
  2. Advice and Information -

    We are reviewing adult ADHD services across Greater Manchester.

    Services supporting adults through diagnosis for ADHD have long waiting lists, approximately 15,000 people. This means that an adult who is referred now could wait over 7 years for a diagnosis. Since 2019 the number of referrals into adult ADHD services have increased 500%, this means on average these services receive 1,500 referrals a month.
  3. Advice and Information -

    If there's something on your mind, you can always talk to the Samaritans about it.
    📱 116 123
  4. Advice and Information -

    Online support is available for all students aged 10+ across Greater Manchester. Find support or chat to a mental health professional. Visit www.kooth.com or search www.gmintegratedcare.org.uk
  5. News -

    Aligning with May’s National Walking Month, The GM Walking Festival is a celebration of walking and an opportunity for everyone to join in with a programme of free, organised group walks across Greater Manchester.