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    Healthwatch England have published five different people's accounts on how COVID-19 has affected their lives, routine, and mental health. We've included links to where you can get advice and information too.
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    The NHS has started testing a coronavirus (COVID-19) contact-tracing app. Find out what we know so far and the issues the public might raise with local Healthwatch.
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    What can we learn from those forced to self-isolate because of a long term health condition or disability? Debra Baxter, a volunteer at Healthwatch shares her experience of this during the Coronavirus pandemic.
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    The new Better Health campaign, unveiled by the government as part of their Obesity Strategy, is encouraging adults to adopt healthy lifestyle changes.
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    This week (7th - 13th September) is the NHS's Organ Donation Week - find out more about organ donation and new changes to laws in England.
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    This year it’s particularly important to get your Flu Jab. If you’re one of 100,000 people in an at-risk group, you are entitled to a free flu vaccination.
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    If you’ve called 111 or visited 111.nhs.uk within the last 3 months we’d love to hear from you about what happened.
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    DW Stadium's Fit Latics programme is starting Monday 17th May - find out how it can help you lead a healthier lifestyle!
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    September 13-19 marks Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week, an annual event to raise awareness of the condition and the impact on sufferers and their families.
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    Organ Donation Week 2021 runs from 20 - 26th September, and is the BIGGEST ever Organ Donation Week!
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    Every October, people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer. This article will cover some of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer in both men and women, and what support is available to you.
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    Sober October is an action month organised by Macmillan Cancer Support and a chance to go alcohol-free this October to raise money for charity.
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    Monday 18th October 2021 marks World Menopause, a day that raises awareness of the menopause, and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. This year's theme is bone health.
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    The three biggest issues facing men are mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. This Movember is a time to know the facts about men's health and create services that work for men.
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    Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK and the most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Find out what the signs and symptoms are for Lung Cancer Awareness Month.
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    10,000 people in the UK are newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year - yet few people can name the symptoms. Find out what they are, and what to do if you're concerned about pancreatic cancer.