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    An outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified in parts of Greater Manchester, East Lancashire, and West Yorkshire. The government and relevant local authorities are acting together to control the spread of the virus.
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    Have you or someone you care for recently been discharged from hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic?
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    Here's what your GP practice will now look like due to COVID-19 safety measures
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    After Greater Manchester leaders urged the government to review the regional Covid-19 restrictions, on 20th August, Wigan Borough was removed from the local lockdown and residents will now need to follow national rules.
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    Take part in our latest COVID-19 project and share your experiences of coronavirus testing, being asked to self isolate, and more.
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    Have you or a loved one been living in a Wigan Borough care home during the COVID-19 pandemic? We'd like to hear your experiences.
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    The government introduced a new set of local COVID alert levels last week, bringing localised restrictions - but what does 'Very High' mean for Wigan & Leigh?
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    Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines are now available. Both vaccines have been shown to be safe and offer high levels of protection. Here are some answers to your frequently asked questions regarding the vaccine:
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    From Saturday 6th March, patients aged 56 – 59 (in priority group 8) will receive a letter from NHS England inviting them to book an appointment at one of the local nationally run vaccine clinics.
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    As of July 19th 2021, most legal restrictions preventing the spread of COVID-19 are being lifted in England.
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    The NHS is expanding a self-monitoring service which is helping to support people at home who have been diagnosed with coronavirus and are most at risk of becoming seriously unwell.
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    Find out how government guidance has changed since August 16th.
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    This report contains the findings of a project undertaken to explore the current situation in care homes in accessing health and adult social care services. This was in response to anecdotal reports to Healthwatch Wigan and Leigh that some services were still running pandemic style models of service delivery.